Endocarditis - Subaortic Complications

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Circulation. 1992 Aug;86(2):353-62.

Transesophageal echocardiographic recognition of subaortic complications in aortic valve endocarditis.

Clinical and surgical implications.

Secondary involvement of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa and the anterior mitral leaflet (subaortic structures) can occur in patients with aortic valve endocarditis.
The secondary involvement of these structures occurs as a result of direct extension of the infection from the aortic valve, or as a result of an infected aortic regurgitant jet striking the ventricular surfaces of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa and the anterior mitral leaflet.
An abscess of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa can expand to form an aneurysm.
Subsequently, this mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa aneurysm can develop a perforation and communicate with the left atrium, resulting in the systolic regurgitation of blood from the left ventricular outflow tract into the left atrium.
Secondary infection can also occur on the ventricular surface of the anterior mitral leaflet and result in the formation of an aneurysm or perforation of anterior mitral leaflet.

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